The Emmaus Chapel

 The Emmaus Chapel has two stained glass windows or lights. There is one over the altar depicting the Emmaus dinner. There is one on the side facing Mason Street showing the crucifixion. 

Jesus is Made Known to His Disciples

The window above the altar in the chapel portrays the post-resurrection scene at Emmaus where Jesus was made known in "the breaking of bread."

The Last Supper

The Crucifixion

This project provided the chapel with a beautiful etched glass window of Christ Crucified. The renowned stained glass artist, Lutz Haufschild, designed, created, and installed the window based on the theme of the Crucifixion. It is in the south wall of the Emmaus Chapel. The theme of the window respects the wish of the donor, the late Hilda Wharton. The window was installed in 2004.

The Crucifixion

 Jesus Healing People

This window in the chapel shows several scenes where Jesus healed people. The top left shows him healing a leaper (Matthew 8:1-4). The top right shows him healing a blind man with a mixture of dust and spit (John 9:1-12). The bottom left shows him healing a parapallegic (Luke 5:18-25). The bottom left shows him healing a woman whose back was profoundly curved (Luke 13:10-17).